Years ago in the midst of time I won a Gold Award for my Cranberry Sauce. That was back in the day (God how I hate that expression) when a Gold Award at The Great Taste Awards meant something.
Well, when a few days ago I ended up with a shed load of Cranberries left over from a function I got the old pan out and created.
Now if you want to make an award winning Cranberry Sauce just follow the recipe below.
Orange Juice
You need half the quantity of sugar to Cranberries. (Eg 1kg cranberries - 500g sugar).
Place pan on a medium to hot hob.
First pour enough orange juice in the pan to generously cover the base.
Add the sugar, start to melt the sugar in the orange juice. If there appears to be insufficient orange juice for the volume of sugar, then add some more juice.
Once all the sugar has melted and you have an orange syrup add the Cranberries.
Stir the pan occasionally to coat all the Cranberries with the orange syrup. After a few minutes the Cranberries will start to pop. Once the majority have popped remove the pan from heat.
And that is all there is to it! Either bottle in sterile jars or keep in the fridge, will last for up to 3 months in a cold fridge.
Happy Christmas cooking!